Nov 27, 2017
You can find the written version of this blog post at:
You can access all the FREE downloads mentioned in this episode at
Here's the Highlights:
Incorporate tracing to:
To Trace Mindfully,...
Nov 20, 2017
Here's the Highlights:
Get your Holiday Tracing Freebies at
The Top 7 Reasons to Teach Tracing:
Nov 14, 2017
In this podcast episode, we discuss the Ridge Light Ranch blog post about Handwriting and Art (Listen to it on Podcast Episode 7 or read it on the blog post).
For extended Highlights, check out the correlating episode 8 blog post:
Here's the Highlights:
-Writing things by hand has many life benefits like...
Nov 6, 2017
You can find the written version of this blog post at:
Here's the Highlights:
Things I mention is this episode: